Council Election and By-law Proposals and Petitions for 2024

Notification of candidate platforms and proposed by-law changes is available in accordance with By-law 4.3.6 and 16.6.4.

The Council election and by-law vote will take place through the online profile beginning Thursday, October 3, 2024, at 12:00 a.m. and ending Friday, October 18, 2024, at 12:00 p.m. (noon).

The results will be announced at the 2024 Annual General Business Meeting on Thursday, October 24, 2024.

Council Elections

There are six (6) candidates to fill three (3) professional engineer positions.

There are two (2) candidates to fill one (1) professional geoscientist position.

There is no election for the intern representative position in 2024.

Only registered members are eligible to vote for the professional engineers and professional geoscientist positions.

Engineer Candidates (Nominated by Council)

Engineer Candidates (Nominated by Members)

Geoscientist Candidates (Nominated by Council)

By-law Proposals

After engagement with membership through open engagement sessions and third-party focus groups, review by the By-law Review Committee, drafting by legal counsel, and further member engagement, Council has approved the list of by-law proposals for 2024.

Council is proposing nine separate changes under By-law 16.2 and 16.3. These proposals were developed from suggestions from Council, members, committees, and staff.

Each by-law proposal will be considered and voted on by the membership separately.

A by-law discussion forum is available through the online profile until the start of the vote period.