[Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba Logo]

News Notice
May 9, 2024
Call for Council Applications
This year, the Nominating Committee is putting out a call for professional members who are interested in standing for nomination, by Council, in the upcoming election. There are four (4) Council vacancies for 2024; three (3) professional engineers and one (1) professional geoscientist. There is no vacancy for the intern position on Council this year. Members who are interested are asked to complete the application form and submit it along with their curriculum vitae (CV) to Info@EngGeoMB.ca (on behalf of the Nominating Committee). Application forms and CVs can also be mailed or dropped off at the Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba Office at 870 Pembina Highway, Winnipeg, MB, R3M 2M7. The deadline for application submissions is Friday, May 17, 2024, at 4:30: p.m.

2024 Student Achievement Award - Nominating Period Closes TOMORROW!
Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba is seeking nominations for the 2024 Student Achievement Award, which is intended to recognize an undergraduate engineering or geoscience student or group of students who have shown excellence in, and/or major contributions to, the concept/design of a groundbreaking engineering or geoscience project/thesis. The deadline for nominations is Friday, May 10, 2024. For more information about the award, please see the Student Achievement Award Criteria. Please see the Awards page for more details.

Volunteer Opportunities
Ingenium Task Group - Multiple Positions
The Ingenium Task Group assists in the planning of the professional development seminars that will be offered at the Association's annual Ingenium conference in November, by suggesting suitable topics, identifying potential suitable speakers, and task group members assisting in the moderation of conference sessions. The task group is looking for two additional members to join the group. For full details about this opportunity please review the call for volunteers.

Upcoming Events
EngGeoMB Social Hour - Tuesday, May 28, 2024
The Sports and Social Committee is pleased to announce another EngGeoMB Social Hour. This event will feature drinks and snacks at the Association office in Winnipeg, and is open to all registrants of Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba. Tickets are complimentary but spaces are limited. For more information and to register, please see the event listing.

2024 Volunteer Appreciation Night - Wednesday, June 5, 2024
Join us in celebrating our volunteers at the upcoming EngGeoMB Volunteer Appreciation Night at The Manitoba Museum Planetarium. The evening will include refreshments, networking, and the Planetarium Show, Manitoba Skies! Tickets are now available for all practitioners to buy online for the subsidized price of $20 plus GST each. For more information and to purchase your ticket for this event, please see the event listing. Note: If you volunteered with the Association this past year, please contact the Volunteer Coordinator at Volunteer@EngGeoMB.ca to claim your complimentary ticket.

Harassment in the Workplace: Know Your Rights - Monday, June 10, 2024
Join the 2030 Manitoba Coalition for a presentation and discussion by lawyers Christian Monnin and Allie Moar to get an understanding of your legal recourse options should you be the target of harassment in the workplace. Workplace health and safety includes anti-harassment and violence policies that must be enacted to prevent unnecessary and harmful workplace distress. For more information and to register, please see the full event listing.