[Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba Logo]

News Notice
Wednesday, October 2, 2024
EngGeoMB Phone System Update
The Association will be updating their phone systems on Wednesday, October 9, 2024. Callers may experience temporary service disruption during the migration to the new system. The main office phone number will remain the same and the contact page will be updated with new information accordingly.

Discipline Notice - Victor J. Thielmann, P.Eng.
This is notice that on February 8, 2022, Victor J. Thielmann, P.Eng., was issued a reprimand following a conviction on two charges of unskilled practice (File 13.01). All avenues for appeals have been exhausted. Full text of the Order of the Discipline Committee and the Reasons for Decision can be found on the Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba website.

Incentive for New Graduates to Become Interns Now in Effect
To encourage new graduates from the University of Manitoba and Brandon University engineering and geoscience post-secondary programs to enroll as an intern, starting on Tuesday, October 1, 2024, graduates whose degree is awarded after October 1, 2024, and who apply to become an intern within 12 months of their degree awarded date will have the intern application fee ($150) waived. For more information, please see the full news story.

CBHCC Seeking Expressions of Interest to be Considered for Advisory Council Chair Position
The Canadian Board for Harmonized Constructions Codes (CBHCC) is seeking expressions of interest from individuals to serve as Chair of the Advisory Council for Harmonized Construction Codes (Advisory Council) for the 2025-2030 code development cycle set to launch in January 2025. Applications will be accepted until Wednesday, October 9, 2024. For more information and to apply, please read the full news story.

Volunteer Opportunity
2024 Awards Ceremony + Recognition Lunch, and Annual General Meeting - Four (4) Positions Available
Four volunteers are required to be onsite at the Fort Garry Hotel Grand Ballroom in Winnipeg from 9:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. on Thursday, October 24, 2024, to assist with greeting guests, crowd control, set up of decorations and material, and annual general meeting registration. Volunteers must be outgoing and comfortable engaging with people. Lunch will be provided for the volunteers. Volunteers must be able to arrange their own transportation. If you are interested in volunteering for this event, please complete the volunteer form.

Upcoming Events
EngGeoMB Q + A for Students - Wednesday, October 23, 2024
Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba Admissions Department staff will be in person at the University of Manitoba to answer students' questions about professional registration, how to become a student of the Association, and how to enroll as an intern. If you have any questions, please contact Apply@EngGeoMB.ca.

2024 Awards Ceremony and Recognition Lunch - Thursday, October 24, 2024
Join us for the annual highlight of the Association's social calendar, the Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba Awards Ceremony and Recognition Lunch! This luncheon event brings together members and representatives from government and industry to celebrate the successes of our 2024 award winners and FEC/FGC recipients. To purchase tickets for the Awards Ceremony, please see the event listing.

2024 Annual General Business Meeting (AGM) - Thursday, October 24, 2024
In accordance with By-law 13.4(a), all professional members and interns are invited to the 2024 Annual General Meeting of the Association. Interns, professional members, and councillors are entitled to be present; any other person may be admitted by invitation of the President or with the consent of those present who are entitled to vote, as per By-law 13.5. For this year, assessment candidates, licensees, and students are also invited by the President to observe the AGM. Registration is required to attend this event. To attend and for more information, please see our event listing.

EngGeoMB Social Hour - Tuesday, October 29, 2024
Join the EngGeoMB Sports and Social Committee for this casual in-person networking event for all those registered with Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba. Meet fellow registrants and enjoy drinks and snacks at the Association office. To register for this in-person event, please see the event listing.

The Filipino Members Chapter Presents: 2024 Bowling Fundraising Event - Saturday, October 26, 2024
The Filipino Members Chapter extends an open invitation to their 2024 bowling fundraising event at Chateau Lanes. The funds raised from this event will help support the chapter's scholarship program for immigrants from the Philippines. For more information about the event and to register, please see the full event listing.