Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba Family Legacy Bursary Draw
There are only
eight more days to apply!
EngGeoMB is now accepting applications for the 2023 Family Legacy Bursary
Draw. Five bursary prizes are given to the children of Engineers Geoscientists
Manitoba members. Applicants must be enrolled full time in first-year
engineering or geoscience studies. The application deadline is September 1,
2023. For eligibility criteria and how to apply, please see the
2023 EngGeoMB Awards and Ingenium Sponsorship Opportunities
Is your company seeking exposure to practitioners from the fields of engineering
and geoscience across Manitoba? Sponsorship opportunities for the Association's
upcoming Ingenium professional development seminars are now available, including
Keynote Sponsor, Seminar Sponsor, and more! Or support this year's EngGeoMB Awards
Ceremony as a Premium Sponsor, Entertainment Sponsor, Booth Sponsor, or Table Sponsor.
For more details, check out the
2023 sponsorship information.