June 22, 2023
Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation Division of Natural Resources Canada Research Study
The Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation Division of Natural Resources Canada (NRCan)
is asking for participation in a research study. The aim of this study is to better
understand where professionals in Canada stand in terms of learning and applying climate
change adaptation knowledge and skills in their practice, identify gaps, monitor trends
over time, and inform climate change adaptation programming. The results of this research
will also be shared with Engineers Canada. To participate, please see the
survey link.
Tomorrow is International Women in Engineering Day! (INWED)
International Women in Engineering Day, brought to you by Women's
Engineering Society (WES), will celebrate its 10th year tomorrow on
June 23,
2023. This year, INWED is celebrating the amazing work that women engineers
around the world are doing to support lives and livelihoods every day. INWED is
profiling the best, brightest and bravest women in engineering, those women who
#makesafetyseen and are helping to build towards a brighter future.
National Indigenous Peoples Day
Yesterday, Tuesday, June 21, 2023, was National Indigenous Peoples Day. This day was a time to celebrate
the cultures and contributions of the First Nations, Inuit, and Metis Indigenous peoples
of Canada. See a list of resources on the
Government of Canada website.
and Gender Considerations -
June 23, 2023 Women and men have
different mobility needs, travel patterns, and influences impacting their
transportation and modal choices. This online presentation will provide context
on gender considerations in transportation including trip-chaining, travel
times, safety, and the impact of gender-neutral transportation practices on
women. For more information about this event, please see the
CSSE: Project Visualization - Telling The Story Before it is Built -
June 26,
The Manitoba Chapter of the Canadian Society of Senior Engineers (CSSE) invites
you to attend their next session, where Brent Bencharski of TreeLine Utility
Solutions Inc. will present on the topic of 'Project Visualization - Telling
The Story Before it is Built'. The presentation will be of interest to a wide
range of members - not just CSSE's senior members.
For more information about this event and to register, please see the
event listing.
Zero Carbon Building Standards Workshops -
July 17, 2023
These workshop webinars, hosted by Canada Green Building Council (CAGBC), will review
important foundational knowledge for low-carbon buildings, with an emphasis on the
latest versions of CAGBC's Zero Carbon Building standards. The requirements for both
new and existing buildings will be addressed.
For more information about this event, please see the