Did You Know? -
A Record Number of Interns
Did you know that Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba has an all-time high number of interns?
There are currently 2,220 applicants who are working on reporting their professional practice
experience to be granted a P.Eng. or P.Geo. licence. This is a 29.6 per cent increase since just
before the pandemic began in 2020. These are the individuals who will guide and shape the
engineering and geoscience professions going forward.
They are bright, articulate, and eager to serve the public as professional engineers and
professional geoscientists in Manitoba, across Canada, and worldwide.
Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba Family Legacy Bursary Draw
EngGeoMB is now accepting applications for the 2022 Family Legacy Bursary Draw.
Five bursary prizes are given to the children of Engineers Geoscientists
Manitoba members. Applicants must be enrolled full time in first-year
engineering or geoscience studies. The application deadline is September 1, 2022.
For eligibility criteria and how to apply, please see the
news story.
Rudiments of Engineering Practise -
August 27, 2022
The 'Rudiments of Engineering Practise' seminar is aimed at new Nigerian Chapter
members who recently immigrated to Canada with a desire to practice engineering,
and existing members who are about to or currently going through the process of
becoming an EIT or P.Eng. The seminar affords members with foreign education and
tangible engineering experiences the opportunity to get robust information on the
requirements and principles of engineering practice in Manitoba and Canada at large.
Please visit the
listing for more details.
Red River College Polytech: Part 3 Large Buildings -
September 6 - October 14,
This course has been designed to enhance the knowledge of existing code practitioners
and those practitioners who wish to improve their competence in interpreting and
implementing the principles of the 2010 National Building Code of Canada (NBC) with
respect to large buildings (Vol. 2 Division B Part 3). It is intended to help the
participant understand the requirements of the NBC that apply to all large buildings.
Participants must have a basic understanding of the NBC and requirements contained
therein in order to be successful when taking exams or applying the knowledge to their jobs.
If you would like more information about the course and registration, please see the
event listing.
Red River College Polytech: Manitoba Building Bylaws -
September 12 - October 7, 2022
This online course will examine the legal requirements of the
building permitting process as well as the Building Official's role within it. The
course will assist Building Officials in recognizing the applicability of laws at
various levels (federal, provincial, and municipal) in the building process as well
as providing understanding regarding when their role in the legal process begins.
Finally the course will conclude with information about what would be required of
a Building Official should they be called to court. For more information and to
register for the course, please visit the