Notarius Professional Digital Signature Promotion Until
August 31, 2022, take advantage of the current promotion on your EngGeoMB
digital signature and
save $100 on the sign-up fee. Engineers can also
sign up for a second signature if practising in more than one province for only
$75. Visit the
website for more information.
2022 Ingenium Professional Development Seminars - October
Save the date! This year's Ingenium Professional Development Seminars will
take place from Tuesday, October 25, to Friday, October 28, and
will again be hosted virtually, allowing attendees to join the event
from wherever they are. The new schedule will be released in September, but
you can check out the
webpage now for a look back on last year's seminars.
Summer Picnic and Networking Event The India Members
Chapter is inviting their members to come together for an afternoon of fun, food, and
games at St. Vital Park on
Saturday, August 20, 2022. Chapter members are encouraged to bring their families
and join fellow members for some fun in the sun! There will be snacks, drinks,
games, and music. If you are interested in attending, please visit the
registration page.