your nominations in for the 2021 Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba
Awards! Honours are presented in a variety of categories and recognize
outstanding Manitoba engineers and geoscientists, teams, and employers. For
more information about award nominations, visit our
Need funds for textbooks? Write an
article for
The Keystone Professional for a chance to win $500 towards
your engineering or geoscience studies! For more information, see the
The Nominating Committee assists Council in identifying
election candidates who meet the criteria for councillors as described in the
Governance Policy in a manner consistent with the Act and By-laws and taking
into consideration the broadest possible diversity of the membership. The
Committee is recruiting for five new members: one intern (engineering or
geoscience) and four professional members, one of which needs to be a
professional geoscientist. See the
call for volunteers for full details.
Did you miss Ingenium 2020? It's not too late! Registration to access over 15 hours of
professional development is open until
this Friday, January 8, 2021, and the library will be accessible until
January 17, 2021. For more information, visit the
This year's
conference will bring together members from Engineers Without Borders'
university and professional networks to engage in sessions and conversations
developed around their future-oriented Impact Framework. For more information
and to register, see the
event listing.
Are you an internally
educated engineer seeking professional licensure with Engineers Geoscientists
Manitoba? Join this one-hour webinar hosted by the Price Faculty of Engineering
to learn about the Internationally Educated Engineers Qualification (IEEQ)
Program. See the
listing for more information.
The Arab Members Chapter invites you to celebrate
their 4
th birthday. Join the virtual celebration for announcements,
find out who was awarded student bursaries, and for a chance to win a
prize. To register, see the
This online course provides participants with information
about, and practice with, the PIEVC Protocol, a practical tool and process that
supports the systematic assessment of the risks of extreme weather and future
climate in relation to public infrastructure. For more information and
registration, see the
event listing.