The Association adopted its first Code of Ethics on November 1, 1921. Do you know how many times it has been rewritten or how it has changed over the century? To learn more about the Association's Code of Ethics,
read the
news story.
Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba
is proud to host the four-part virtual speaker series organized by the Canadian Coalition of Women in Engineering, Science, Trades and Technology (CCWESTT). In this week's session,
we will hear about Wii Chiiwaakanak, Walking Together: Why Indigenous-Led STEAM Programming is Critical from Angeline Nelson and Dr. Jaime Cidro. For more information about the speaker series and to register,
see the
CCWESTT website.
The Canadian Construction Documents Committee is providing online training in November on two important documents being published this winter.
For more information on the four distinct presentations, visit the
event listing.
Looking for more online training opportunities? Click here to access a full listing of training delivered online.