Student renewals are now open
for undergraduate students attending the University of Manitoba or Brandon University for the 2020-2021 year. For more information, see the
Engineers Geoscientists Manitoba has released a request for proposal (RFP) seeking a Strategic Planning Consultant who will work with the Association in the research, development, and writing of a comprehensive
and focused action plan. This will include the development of recommendations, policy change, and/or professional development for the Association based on the MMIWG Calls to Justice for extractive and development industries that are
survivor-led, family-centred, and community-directed. The RFP can be viewed
here. We encourage practitioners to circulate the RFP within their networks to assist in advertising this initiative.
This year's Ingenium Professional Development Seminars will be hosted completely virtually, allowing attendees to join the event without even leaving home. In celebration of our Centennial year, registration is just $100 (+GST)
and includes access to over 15 hours of live and on-demand sessions.
To see the impressive
line-up of speakers and register, visit the
Ingenium webpage.
If you are an internationally-trained professional and plan to work in the same, similar, or alternative profession in Manitoba, join
SEED Winnipeg for an informative webinar for skilled immigrants. For more information and to register, see the
Join the Chinese Members Chapter in an informative session on how to prepare for an engineering job as international students and
immigrants. For more information, see the
event listing.
Join the India Members Chapter for their Annual General Meeting and professional development seminar. For more information, visit the
event listing.
Looking for more online training opportunities? Click here to access a full listing of training delivered online.