On June 28,
The Engineering and Geoscientific Professions Act assented in the
Manitoba legislature and one association would now regulate both the engineering
and geoscience professions. Do you know what prompted the regulation of
geoscience? Find out by reading the
This is notice that on June
29, 2020, Mr. S.M. Petrovich, P.Eng. consented to the registration of a
conviction and issuance on a charge of professional misconduct or unskilled
practice in accordance with section 35(1)(f) of
The Engineering and
Geoscientific Professions Act. For access to the complete notice, see the
news story.
This research paper
contest is open to civil engineering professors, students, and researchers
across Canada and the U.S. Interested individuals can submit either an
expository paper or a previously published article. For a list of topics and
more information, visit Giatec's
Responding to the COVID-19 pandemic has hugely
altered the way we use and interact with our built environment, from retail
stores to transportation hubs to high-rise buildings to roads and sidewalks.
And if we are to emerge from self-isolation safely and attempt to return to
"normal", many spaces that are currently underused will need to be redesigned
or rethought to prevent infection. Offered by Canadian Consulting Engineer,
this webinar will bring experts together to discuss examples, trends, and
predictions for the new normal. For more information and to register, see the
The Arab Members Chapter is proud to offer a six-week
virtual Project Management Professional (PMP) certification training course. A
special Centennial rate is available to participants, learn more and register
online via the
one-hour webinar, offered by Engineers and Geoscientists BC, will provide an
introduction to the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous
Peoples (the Declaration) that was passed by the UN General Assembly in 2007
and efforts to make the Declaration law in Canada. For more information and to
register, see the